By operating in Montego Bay, we capitalize on strategic advantages, leveraging the region’s language proficiency, experienced workforce, and cultural alignment with the US market. This allows us to deliver exceptional contact center support solutions while maintaining strong relationships with our clients. At Segoso Caribbean, we made a strategic decision to operate in Montego Bay, Jamaica, for several compelling reasons:

Language Advantage: Jamaica is the third largest English-speaking country in the Western Hemisphere, providing a natural advantage for seamless communication with our clients based in English-speaking markets.

Established BPO Industry: Montego Bay has a well-established Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry with a rich history spanning over 30 years. This longevity signifies the city’s robust infrastructure and expertise in delivering BPO services.

Outstanding Work Ethic: The workforce in Montego Bay’s BPO sector exhibits an exceptional work ethic, renowned for their dedication, professionalism, and commitment to delivering high-quality service to our clients.

Low Attrition Rates: Candidates in Jamaica view the BPO industry as a profession of choice, resulting in lower attrition rates. This stability allows us to build long-term relationships with our team members and provide consistent service excellence to our clients.

Access to Tenured and Experienced Staff: Montego Bay provides convenient access to a pool of tenured and experienced professionals across multiple industry verticals. This expertise enables us to deliver specialized solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs.

Proximity to the US Market: Montego Bay’s geographical proximity to the United States is advantageous, facilitating streamlined collaboration and faster response times for our clients based in the US market. Additionally, there is a strong cultural affinity between Jamaica and the US, enhancing our understanding of the US market dynamics.

Easy Accessibility: Montego Bay is easily accessible from most US gateways, offering convenient travel options and facilitating effective communication between our team and our US-based clients.

5 Southern Cross Blvd.
Montego Bay, Jamaica

[email protected]